Men are accused of "anti-feminism", women are accused of "extremism": this is an article that shows that both of those accusations have no historical validity. In fact, history brought forth some shocking revelations: Men were the feminists, women were unaware of their inferior state.
This is where you will be able to browse through all the articles we wrote. Each article is dedicated to a cause, each one transmitting a message that we saw as unclear, or that we consider as necessary to unravel certain truths. Although each article is independent, the order which they are put in follows an intriguing evolution.
The fact that the feminist movements' fight to break stereotypes associated with gender roles encouraged men to try and eradicate the "masculine formula" is not exceptional. Moreover, feminism played a primary role in empowering men as well, by giving them the opportunity to denounce their image as "soulless robotic workers, in harness to a...
This issue is the most recent one yet. It's not a counter-movement initiated by men because they felt oppressed, outnumbered, or whatever the reasons behind the "Meninist" movement. This is an accusation. And one that was specifically made by men.
Men in politics: their effect on feminism
In order to explain how politics cope with feminism, it is necessary to study feminism through a sociologist paradigm. Therefore, it is crucial to state that every society is torn into two complementary spheres: the private sphere (family, procreation, non-lucrative sphere) and the public sphere (work, lucrative sphere). Needless to say, men have...
Where we are today
The feminist movement is strongly rejected today by men, especially in developing nations. This phenomenon is mainly due to the confusion between the political, economic, and social promotion of gender equality (feminism) on one hand, and the revendication of female gender's superiority (feminazism) on the other hand. This misconception of what...